A traditional wax, made with a formula dating back to Napoleonic times. That quality has since been further improved. This high-quality traditional wax is the perfect product to care for your parquet floors, wooden furniture, wood panelling, etc. Easy to apply.
Eres SAPOLI LIQUID WAX includes a very high concentration of natural waxes, which penetrate the wood and give it the best protection.
Eres SAPOLI LIQUID WAX gives the wood its original texture and sheen. The turpentine enhances the wood patterns.
Environmental advice: Dispose of contents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point, in accordance with local regulation.
In the Cosing database you will find information about the INCI names of the ingredients that are listed according to the detergent regulation.
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Tel.: +32(0)9 385 59 11
Fax: +32(0)9 385 68 98
E-mail: info@eres-sapoli.be